About the Founders and Why We Created Energy Choice Experts

Greg and Scott have been close friends for about 30 years. Technically, we are family because Scott's and Greg’s wives are sisters. Greg has four kids (23, 21, 19 and 19) and Scott has two (23 and 21). We spent lots of family time with each other raising them in Dallas, and now we are working to get them through the next chapter of college and launching into the workforce.

Greg grew up in Houston and graduated from Texas A&M with a Finance degree. He has spent most of his career in the energy industry. He was a part of Enron when it collapsed and immediately got a job offer in Dallas at Dean Foods, the client he supported when working at Enron. Greg spent 19 years at Dean Foods and left as the Director of Energy Procurement after Dean Foods exited bankruptcy in May 2020. He currently manages the energy portfolio at a Fortune 50 retail company.

Scott grew up in the Chicago area, earned a BSIE from Bradley University, and moved to Dallas to work for Texas Instruments in 1989. While working at TI, Scott earned an MBA from SMU. Scott has had many roles at TI in purchasing and logistics. In 2021, he retired as the commodity manager for Energy and Facilities Capital Equipment for TI and now works as a purchasing consultant.

Professionally, Greg and Scott have spent their careers saving money for large employers. As procurement professionals, we routinely review contracts and proposals to find the best ones for varying needs. Fortune 500 companies trust us to analyze and negotiate multi-million dollar deals. Because we have decades of procurement experience, we believe we are fully qualified to put the word “Experts” in our company name.

To friends and family, we are known as frugal dads. We research most major purchases to make sure we get the best deal, often driving our wives crazy. Saving money at work and home is in our DNA.

In 2002, when deregulation was introduced in Texas, we were probably two of the first Texans to sign up with new providers, and we have been repeating the process every year since. We have tried a vast number of providers and plan structures, making and learning from a few mistakes, and saving thousands of dollars along the way. We used to have some healthy competition to see who could find the best plan, thus furthering our knowledge.

Before ECE, we used to build spreadsheets to create apples-to-apples comparisons of the plans from Power To Choose. From our corporate procurement backgrounds, we knew we should ignore the marketing numbers and instead look at the facts labels to calculate the total annual cost based upon how we use electricity for a real apples-to-apples comparison. Fortunately, we have vasts amounts of experience comparing complex proposals.

At first, the spreadsheets we built were relatively simple. All we had to worry about were the TDU monthly fee, TDU cost/kWh, REP monthly fee, and REP cost/kWh. However, over time electricity companies added fees for using less than x kWh/month and credits for using more than y kWh/month.

In 2016, the PUC hid plans with usage-based fees from the default view, so providers created alternate plans devised to appear on the front page of the Power To Choose website. These plans include usage-based rates and flat costs for a range of usage. This drove the need for more complex comparison spreadsheets. Even for us procurement professionals, comparing plans took hours, so we can’t imagine how difficult it would be for the average guy or gal.

Our friends, family, and co-workers learned we had beat the system and were paying a lot less for electricity than they were. However, they were overwhelmed with the shopping process, so many of them asked us to help them choose their electricity plans. We started to realize that energy companies were taking advantage of Texans who either didn’t shop or didn’t know how to shop for electricity.

In May 2015, we saw a news story about how hard it is to compare electricity plans on the Power To Choose website. Realizing there was a huge unmet need for our expertise, we decided to create Energy Choice Experts to help all Texans save money on electricity. We went live with ECE in December 2015.

Greg Steagall

Greg has over 27 years of experience in Fortune 500 companies in Accounting, Finance, and Procurement roles and has been in the Energy Industry most of his career. Greg currently manages the energy portfolio for a Fortune 50 retail company in Dallas, TX. Greg has a Finance Degree from Texas A&M University.

Scott Hundley

Scott has worked for Texas Instruments in Dallas, TX for over 30 years in Purchasing and Logistics roles. In 2021, Scott retired as the commodity manager for Energy and Facilities Capital Equipment for Texas Instruments and is currently a purchasing consultant. Scott has a BSIE from Bradley University and an MBA from Southern Methodist University.


Everyone's Energy Choice Experts LLC is registered in the State of Texas and does business as Energy Choice Experts