Everyone wants to save money on their electricity bill...
...but do you feel like this when choosing your electricity plan in Texas?
ENERGY CHOICE EXPERTS removes the hassle and confusion and saves you money!
Energy Choice Experts makes saving money on electricity easy. Trust the Experts to decipher all of the energy plans and provide you with the Guaranteed Lowest Annual Cost plan for you.
ECE recommends changing energy providers annually to take advantage of the introductory rates that are lower than the renewal offer from your current provider. Switching providers is easier and faster than most people think.
Look What Our Customers are Saying
"I didn't believe that the cost [of the plans in your analysis] included all the energy charges and Oncor charges. I guess I found it difficult to believe that I could possibly save $700." Thank you!
Linda B., Richardson TX
"I just wanted to follow up with you and let you know how much I appreciate your service and recommendation. The savings from the 1st month alone after switching to the plan you recommended was enough to cover your consulting fee 6x! Our July to August bill decreased 72% just from switching to your recommended provider! Normally we would see an increase in utility costs from July to August given it’s the hottest month of the summer."
Aaron J., Dallas TX
"Wanted you to know that our bill this month in Dallas is $250 cheaper than it was last summer at this time, and our thermostat is set on a much more comfortable temperature. Thank you for your service! I am recommending your services to others."
Sharon M., Dallas TX